I think Jenelle is binge drinking. She’s never looked more bloated and is constantly posting selfies with alcohol. Also RIP to this hotel rooms integrity with the upcoming spicy dumps 🌶️
What do you think of men who aren't into classic male interests?
The grim impact of halting USAID funding in Ethiopia
Zelle's Coasters
He doesn’t look that sad to me….
My BF is bored of sex. What can I do?
Abiy Abye Abi
Well i think that's a huge progress for DOGE
Debbie and Colt Johnson 2.0
Inside Russia’s campaign to turn African journalists into Kremlin mouthpieces
Avera Mengistu, Israeli National, hostage of 10/7 to-be released 2/22
Angela Deem claims that Kobe and Jasmine are in the US for the wrong reasons and should be deported
Special plant used by Afar people for male sexual enhancement
TIL Ruth Bader Ginsburg could have retired in 2016 during the Obama admin at the ripe age of 83 but she selfishly clung to power until she died in 2020 allowing another Republican Supreme Court nomination
Baby bait
CMV: Meles zenawi is the greatest leader in Ethiopian history (relatively)
And it’s back to eating out!
People who don't tip at restaurants why don't you tip?
What ginger tea do they have in Addis Ababa airport?
Uncertainty grows over future of Africa-US AGOA trade deal under Trump
OLF, OFC announce plan to facilitate "transitional gov't" in Oromia to address political, security crises - Addis Standard
Let's take time to appreciate this man real quick.
What’s One Thing You Wish Women Knew About Men (But Would Never Say Out Loud)?
Chris rant.
Desperate Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy Begs Africa To Please Help Him