Let's take time to appreciate this man real quick.
Abicho wants to catch a fade (really baaaaad) .
Getachew vs Debretsion
We listen, and we don't judge. Disillusionment or Pessimism ?
I have a genuine question: Who could truly lead Ethiopia if the current prime minister were to resign/overthrown?
Things are getting heated; I think.
Let's talk about it .
How we got to this point ? Ethio politics 102.
What do you think will happen ? 2025 predictions
Could the democratization of Tigray benefit TPLF initially?
Let me know if I missed something.
Hear me out.
Abicho and the Sea. A Christmas special 😁
Honey scam
Never laughed so hard in my entire life. Just look how he greets her🤣🤣🤣
Somali nationalists want Ogaden to reunite with Somalia—A country even Somaliland and Puntland are fleeing from.
8 Hour Flight, Where are you sitting?
Somalia and Ethiopia agreement. What Abiy can do with differences in factions.
I'll just leave this here for those that are interested in discussing the Ideas in this convo
What is the Ideal Ethiopia for an Amhara ?
What is the Oromo consensus.