Do you like Gege's art style change?
Who's the voice actor for Malta Barrett?
What’s your reason for not drinking alcohol?
My sister and I went to use the bathroom at my other sisters softball game and…
Looking for name ideas…
People aren’t “too sensitive” the joke just isn’t funny
What is the most messed up thing someone you thought was your friend did to you?
I like saying the word "unfathomable". What's your word?
People of Reddit, what's your all-time favorite Christmas song?
What’s the worst thing you did as a kid?
Are the prettiest girls really the loneliest?
How attractive do you actually think you are?
What are some popular things that you think are overrated?
What do you think is the most overrated TV show?
What is unfairly expensive?
I hate my looks
What's the quickest way you saw a co-worker get fired?
What's something other people do that you find really cringy?
Am I ugly? 20somethingF and self conchas
Have you become the person you dreamed of when you were a kid?
Yes I’m currently asleep
My sister is having a spelling crisis…
People of Reddit: What are some of the most bitchy things someone has done to you?
I made this jk my friend did