Wuthering Heights (2009)
Bad seating choice?
Asking for help naming these orange boys 🍊
I’m making a “Where’s Waldo” style book but with cats. Post your cat and I’ll paint tiny pics until the page is full!
People Magazine is set to unveil this years ‘Sexiest Man Alive’ on November 12th. Who do you think will earn the 2024 title?
Animals without hair look quite different
a song you find heartbreaking/sad
Let’s see the last picture you took of your cat
Cora was MAD
Jesus Christ
How would you describe the New England ‘identity’?
What is this?!
I too was at Fenway and had a fantastic view of our pitchers throwing balls in the dirt. Fenway is also a pit.
Orange dresses in movies
Show me your brothers from another mother.
Worst casinario?
Looking for name ideas…
What is your favourite little combat tip?
Ahhh to be 18 and be able to buy a do-it-yourself tattoo kit on Amazon….
Show me your cats in places they aren’t meant to be
Anybody want to come visit? Northern hemisphere, Leif is here, it’s snowing for snowflakes, and have apples too. DM for dodo
I got alot of veggies if anyone wants to come pick some. I have wheat,pumpkins,carrots,tomatos and potatos in this garden
Snowman at my local Dunkin
Flowers to spare