Elise Support now has a higher WR and PR than Elise jungle
Not gonna lie, I'm kinda sick of the new Noxus map.
Verdant vs. Los Ratones / NLC 2025 Winter Seeding - Week 2 Day 1 / Post-Match Discussion
Trying to Widen My Pool
Stupid new mastery system
Vanguard doesn't terminate a game with a cheater, yet instantly bans the account as soon as the game ends.
Everything seems pointless now, why even have half the systems anymore?
Fun fact: Faker will play in his 1000th LCK game this week against KT Rolster. His LCK Win/Loss record is 666 Wins and 333 losses. And his all time LCK KDA is 4.20.
Riot Meddler notes they are refunding XP boosts next patch
My fresh Kai Sa tattoo
Spanish Riot CM mentions Free Hextech Chests making a comeback is being discussed "internally"
Hextech Keys
Riot lately is putting less effort for cosmetics, but with the same price
[PBE datamine] 2025 January 15: patch preview with slightly different Yun Tal, nerfs to Mel and URF Fimbulwinter
25.S1.2 Full Patch Preview
Rivals of Aether 2 will be part of Evo Las Vegas 2025 Extended Lineup
25.S1.2 Patch Preview
Diana Can't "E" Over Baron Wall Anymore?
How Ludwig and Went from IRON to PLAT In 10 Weeks
Reminder you cannot buy skins without owning the champions, Riot is EXTREMELY unlikely to be doing some conspiracy to make champions harder to get for new players.
Why is League going through consistent downgrading? *in design*
The new launcher is atrocious visually speaking
RiotPhroxzon's review after two full days of data
This game has serious performance issues
Feats of power are enforcing ff15 culture even more