Roland and Jocelyn should have named their baby...
[CHAT] finishing a piece?
[WIP] Animals Tree of Life SAL by Climbing Goat Designs
[CHAT] What should I do... ( SAL of NeedleLotDesings)
[CHAT] Black thread on black aida?
[CHAT] Are you joining any SALs this year?
Keep your cats indoors and keep the feral cats away.
"Army to recruit soldiers with ADHD, autism and ME amid staffing crisis" - iNews
Always wondered…
Getting real sick of popups
"Request failed" when trying to purchase premium land?
Northern England
A great reminder of why pet cats belong indoors
Jarthur Hiding from the Cops
Thirteen seats for reform on the exit poll???!! WTF
theLGX - Bryce takes care of business
Hear me out: Eloise not being a lesbian, actually makes for a more compelling story:
Long time struggle with self harm. Two years ago I killed a piece of tissue on my wrist. (TW)
Mother cat gives away her baby
[CHAT] Fake Etsy listings?
[WIP] Update: With 8 days left, I'm 50% finished!
[FO] Forest Cat by LanArte
[CHAT] UK based stitchers! Needle recommendations please!
[WIP] Shambles (York, UK) by Stitchingland