What makes a legal poutine?
What Would Make Your Life Easier to Buy Store Bought, But You Refuse?
How are you feeling today?
Add "up my ass" to the last song you listened to
Should I feed my cat tonight after he just vomited blood?
Hot dog meat?
Y'all buy a bag of curds and just eat em straight out of the bag?
[Homemade] Carrot Ginger Coconut Soup and Steak
I feel like this belongs here
Are 5 year old boys too old to shower with their moms and go to the women’s bathroom with mom?
Carrot ginger coconut soup
My first attempt at crochet!
What’s this white lump my cats testicles??
Crochet owl set
What is!?
How many types of rice are in your pantry?
[Homemade] Toast Skagen
Obsessed with this chicken bag I just finished!
Factory sent me a standard issue cat with a non-standard tail
It's a corn
Worst Soup You’ve Eaten
matching with my partner :3
What's the name of these cookies?
Saying you'd be a serial killer if God didn't stop you