Did they optimise the game today?
Why dont we just ditch private banks?
Why so few maritime/shipmanagment companies in Australia?
I high % of transwomen want to be pretty, not look female
Do you think women evolved to show their body to survive?
Strongest IPL device out there?
Strongest at home laser for male facial hair removal?
Do you feel some end up transitioning to avoid gender roles?
Do you stylize your eyebrows?
What is the biggest sign of being trans?
[ Removed by Reddit ]
Anyone annoyed butches are rarely visible?
How do you find video games to play?
Isnt it ridiculous that women are seen as the emotional ones?
Does scar tissue soften with dilation over months?
What places you can change your gender in without issues?
Why so much 2D art uses ridiculous body proportions?
Transes were invented to turn all whites into sissies!
Why are women presented as "dolled up" instead of natural even in progressive places?
Why the "Safe space" crowd has embraced insecurity?
Best method for shorts burst of hair removal?
What is America's new economic strategy going to be?
Now that Trump won, will the forced conversion of gay men stop?
Can you order estrogen from abroad and attach escript?
Where to buy inflatable dilator?