Screw you, I like my greasy fried eggs!!!!
u/Ashamed-Fig-4680 explains passive house principles and how they might affect the flammability of a home in the LA wildfire
The remains of Vickers Varsity G-APAZ after it crashed in Gloucestershire on March 27th 1963 killin both people on board
I’ve never wanted something so badly. Do you think this guy does freelance work?
New Connecticut laws going into effect Oct. 1 include carnival goldfish ban
Approx 200 hours total playtime and this damn texture ALWAYS looks like a holotape. Is it just me?
Student died on ‘one of first-ever’ dives
I broke off a chunk of my live rock and saw what I discovered.
Just broke up some of my live rock and look what I found.
Olympic Medals Designed By Chaumet Unveiled For Paris 2024 Games
Going from a reef aquarium in my house to living in Hawaii is unreal
Night Dive on the Wreck of the USS Kittiwake, Cayman Islands
Diving with Asthma
Trail Names?
This is Lars. He spends about 90% of his life panicking .
[ID] Good worm or bad worm
Name my new trick haha
240g 4ft x 3ft x 3ft ... going to need a lot more corals
Ocracoke Island, NC. Oct 13, 2022 loads of jellyfish washed up up the beach
Map showing the North American ski areas that are part of the Max Pass, Epic Pass, and the Mountain Collective
Reddit, what is your favorite poem?
This guy forgot to pay his dealer and tries to get away.
What product/Company is currently in its Death throes and will fade away in time?