I feel attacked
I'm too old for you shenanigans.
Perry White goes to heaven
Multiverse by Dan Mora
Which comic related opinion was like this for you?
This panel has never been more relevant than it is today
What other movie or TV characters belong in this category?
Which Power Ranger series did you grow up with?
Do you prefer Darkseid to be Hulk sized or more "human" sized?
What’s your age
Out of curiosity, are there any sketches that are / are almost too fucked up / dark for you?
Neolithic female anthropomorphic figure carved of marb|e, excavated from the site in Qatalhoyilk, Turkey, c. 5500-8000 BC.
No One Will Ever Understand Like We Do.
Am I the only one that finds Gary Frank’s art style kinda… creepy?
What’s your Superman Hot-take?
"Of the Flight of the Noldor" is the Greatest Tale in my heart
did Jesus kill anybody?
What level system do you like more? Fallout 3-NV or 4-76?
Has anyone had their high school reunion yet
Tolkien wrote a mythology for all people
So who were the coolest kids in 4th grade?
What do you believe is the greatest threat to the United States?
Which characters do you enjoy seeing interacting the most?
What are movies where you feel like even telling someone the basic plot is a major spoiler?
My wife is three weeks away from her due date and our cats love snuggling her belly.
Don't know if this has been posted before, but I think It's worth the risk.