I think her buildout is complete, whatcha think?
Bitcoin and its highly positive correlation with the stock markets
Is outer wilds thalassophobia friendly
Fire in the sky
Ledger, Your partners are theieves
If silksong comes out, I will buy it for everyone that comments
If Silksong comes out in 2026, I will buy everyone that comments in here the game AND the platform they play it on
BTC is for EVERYB.000000000DY
All In?
Here’s my T7 build🐪
If Silksong comes out in 2025, I will buy everyone that comments
I’m all in on Bitcoin for 2025
Guess it wasn't meant to happen this time
Who is the CEO of Bitcoin?
Weak hands
Made my first Crypto investment when Bitcoin hit 107k 🙃
What are some upcoming btc news?
It feels so good selling…
Is this near the current cycle peak, or are we just in the foothills
Songs that remind you of BTC
If everyone believes in Bitcoin, does it make sense to take out a loan to buy Bitcoin with it?
How do you ignore the Crypto (Bitcoin) Noise?
How do you stay on BTC when other stuff is always going up by much more?
What should I change with this portfolio?
I think I got scammed help!