Alternative options
Mortgage vs Investing
What happens when you sell a house that you've used as equity to buy another?
Do I need life insurance if KiwiSaver is cranking?
How does everyone's cycles end?
All tips welcome
A reminder to ask for discounts
Cantilever umbrella
Negotiating a commercial property lease in Wellington
Are you actually drinking red bulls overnight?
Who moves first?
Swap rates up, RIP for fixing short term mortgage rates
May I ask if you lost 45,000 usd in trading SMCI stock during 2024. how do you report to IRD? thanks for advice.
Do banking specialists get commission or incentive for mortgage top ups?
How to best invest $230k in your 20s
Should I wait for Feb OCR announcement before re-fixing mortgage?
Does anyone put a bullet point on their resume that they do Ironmans? I think it reflects work ethic and self motivation, so I’m putting it in a section under personal activities/interests.
Adult (step) children rent costs living at home
Anyone else thinking of getting rid their credit card?
Personal Finance gift ideas for an 18 year old
Getting married in a year, partners sibling wants to get a loan under partners name
Mortgage with multiple parties
FIRE failure stories
What does Verapamil success feel like?