Places of Power
Show me your Endless Spells!
To celebrate the Gitmob: my first dog
The "Star Trek: Section 31" Reviews Are In
TOW: Ironblaster or Scraplauncher?
Lumineth Mage Proxy
What did your german grandparents/greatgrandparents do during the WW2?
First few Ogors ready - These models are so much fun to paint!
First time working with green stuff. How can I improve?
Is Lubeck worth a detour from Berlin ?
Background check for job in defense sector.
Last upload of this got removed for not saying it was “shit” check this shitty tattoo out. OP was calling it a “masterpiece” has since deleted OP for getting flamed in another sub.
Tales of the space age
Visiting my parents for Christmas - a goldmine of memories
30 year old transgender American looking to immigrate. Any advice?
Pet preservation
Beste Hundeweste für Hunde, die nichts am Körper mögen?
Reflecting my time in germany - and the things I did not understand
First 42 rats are done!
My first Grey Seer - how can I improve?
Own a dog in Germany
Magic the Gathering?
I made-build my first Clan Rat
First Ironjawz wip - how can I improve him?
3 new Stormfiends join my ever growing Skaven Army ! Yes-Yes ! Here is the third one equipped with Warpfire Projectors