Right now, I am not enough. I am just average!!
Trust is that small thread that holds together great bonds
Would you be open to donate or sell your eggs ?
Do I have any chance?
“Only women and children are loved unconditionally, men have to work for it.” How many believe this applies for your life ?
What's wrong with Indian society?
What women can do about the Rapeandemic ?
Saw this on instagram and thought I'd leave it here for all the lurkers
Agra engineering student 'raped' by senior in moving car, accused on the run
Needed to share this!
99% of times its men...
Rape culture in india
What would you say about this?
JS shaadi hack?
Practice Bantering with a Chatbot Girl that Could Lose Interest
Approached by random girl in blue line! Is this a new scam? It was hella awkward
What's the best thing ₹10 can buy you in Hyderabad?
Would you be open to selling or donating your eggs ?
Have you ever felt like your conversations just fizzle out..
After 2 post of mine: hangama ho Gaya yaha
I don’t understand the process at all
Update , rejected her
What to talk about to a prospect on first chat?