People at the park keep saying he’s too skinny & I’m starving him - too skinny?
Dude hit my car. He has no green card or license. I don't want to report him to police. Repair is costing more than $6000.
Something a bit more unique or something simple that fits really well?
Help me pick
How to approach weird allergy?
To thank someone who did a time-consuming work favor for you, don’t take them to lunch
Who is this in Memphis?
Who is this in Detroit?
How do I get my 16 year old step daughter to help out around the house?..
Am I cleaning wrong or is my MIL crazy?
Watched these two have a dance at Crosstown this afternoon
Give me your healthy dopamine fixes
Please help me! Down to 4
I’ve Gained Weight Now Regretting Dress
Finally broke through to a MAGA friend
Does anyone know what these dark spots are?
Red state in the deep south.
My (26F) Mom (47F) decided not to move to my city after I helped plan their move, and I’m left feeling hurt and confused.
Second wave of AC wallpapers! Let’s do three underrated villagers next, I’ll do the three most upvoted comments
Day 5: Rudy Gay won yesterday! Next is average player who fans are divided on
AIO because I complained about my boyfriend being late for our valentines date?
I Hate my father's touch (not sexual)
Should I quit grad school for an extremely high paying job with poor work life balance?
Help! Veil or no veil?
Torn between two
How much rent should i pay my best friend?