Fighting global top 100 players should give you at least 500k gold
Exams finally over, starting the push
Update about bug
What are some Improvements/Updates you’d like Clash to make?
Look how they massacred my boy
He's smaller than the gap between the bars, why doesn't he get out from there? Is he stupid?
I finally finished watching the two seasons of Squid game
Musk und Zuckerberg greifen unsere Freiheit an
is 1000 points a lot?
Anyone else a little bummed they're going back to villain names as episode titles?
Im tired of the game
Anyone else forgot literally everything about season 5
Found a party island...
Store perks should be part of the boom pass
Is there any singleplayer ego shooter thats isn‘t on rails for iOS?
Warship question
Opponent online stops you attacking. Why is this still needed?
Go figure, I never match with opponents this loaded with resources until my base is maxed out and now I want as little resources as possible…
Is there a logic to when your home base gets a snow background?
What do you think the game needs?
What is the third best engraver?
Did engravings satisfy the need for new gameplay?
Supercell Games revenue, December