Could I use an Ikea 22l clear plastic box as an aquarium or is it to weak to hold all that water and leach plastic into the water
What type of cherry shrimp have the most stable colour when breeding
I have had my baby crested gecko for about 1 week now he has been eating but for a while he is not eating his food
Can you id this plant
I have some baby red cherry shrimp and they are now 3 months old but most of them are still clear is that normal and how can I increase there red colour
How old were you when you got your first crestie?
Can someone id this plant
Could I use a normal led light for a planted aquarium
What are some good hides I have already a coconut hide
I got my baby crested gecko 2 days ago and he is 3 months old and only 2 grams is he underweight
Can you help me come up with a name for my baby crested gecko
Why are my jewel orchid leaves curling
Is there anyways to save this?
What is happening
Dose anyone know what happened to my thermo-hygrometer that I have in my cabinet the screen is glitching
Can I leave my coconut empty or should I put something inside like moss
My crestes enclosure is to cold it’s 20 degrees Celsius what’s the best budget heat mat
Where can you get Pangea gecko diet in Europe
What is the best thermometer and hygrometer for an enclosure
Rate my enclosure
Why dose the sphagnum moss smell so bad I got it from sybotanica
Any recommendations for good plant lights + UVB?
UVB for crested gecko
Sport varigation??? Found this plant at the supermarket