Any US players still spending?
Does anyone else feel the same?
Received a partial refund from Google and my Bank is covering the rest.
Did WoR knowed about the Shutdown for US Player before ? +Tiktok
Not available in my country? I havnt moved or changed anything
I guess I should be happy with 58% progress on Hard this week
A3 Wukong vs A3 Ajax who to soulstone?
Just finished GR3-18...
Can customer support bring back all my sold heroes?
Day 35 nub. Looking for guidance.
Artifact Material Raid Strategy for Levels 19-22
On Christmas
Advice for a newbie for the upcoming summoning events
New player advice please
I've never seen a campaign story go from 9.5 to 4 in a five-hour span
Just saw this while reading the patch notes. Nice change.
Anybody try using an essential oil inhaler like füm?
Lemon tek gummies
Question About One Chunk Lumbridge
What the hell is happening with PLEX prices right now?
what to do while rolling at home with friends?
Am I overpaying?
10 star monster drop table is a joke
Is this even allowed or am I getting banned?
People who have rolled twice a week, once a week, once every three weeks, monthly, or every other month, what was your experience?