Spiral or shathra?
Is this even possible?
You get the choice to remove ONE champion entirely from the game. Who do you Pick? Keep it simple please, just the Name.
Who’s your favorite legendary champion?
Morag or fylja?
Who do you personally feel, is the most overpowered Faction, and who is the most underwhelming Faction.
Cromax Moonblood has been crying for a rework since he was released.
The new faction champ Swarmspeaker Zyclic can block stoneskin
Stokk Demytha Heiress Seeker UNM
Hard Dark Fae floor 80 help
How should I make him better
One of those posts but...who to 6 star next?
Which 2 should I 6*?
Who shall I 6 star next?
Im a new player (7 days) I just got 2 leggos today. Any tips
Who to void 6 star?
How can I get more crit rate on he man
Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face 😆 2 armanz lol
Thoughts on Gaius the Gleeful?
Plarium points are dumb i don’t want this
We get treated after all
There is no way I grinded 5k points for this.
This card is amazing
Which acct would you keep?
Hydra is ruined by hydra clash