My collection
Will I be safe walking around local places as an ARAB in Entebbe? 23 years old male? Also with a little GoPro to record my experience?
Cinematic B roll kind video I made with the go pro 12
How to do write on effect on an image not text
Is this even good or its bad? (Knockoff ?)
Why are my headphones beeping like this
A rut like never before
Living in Africa thoughts? Please share!! :)
What is the meaning behind your profile name?
Any interesting places in Uganda that would make for a good YT video?
I need to buy go pro
Leaving this subreddit, thank you for the run
you comment in 24 hours = your name on this paper :P
My headphone's on button melted..
Microphone Hiss removal help
PC->Mixer has a ground loop. Is a ground-lifting 2ch DI the cheapest way to send clean audio?
What would your username be without these letters?
Looking for a VA that can do a deep calm and/or energetic and high-pitched voice for a Smash Ultimate story video.
Hissing/Static noise from onboard sound card - MSI X470
give me a number from 1-847 and I'll give you a song!!
Do the eq settings stay applied on the speaker when it's connected elsewhere? (JBL cHaRgE 5)
Nintendo Switch Online Code (3 months) Giveaway.
All of my helmet footage in car looks like this. Any help on what settings to change?
“For my part, I know nothing with any certainty but the sight of the stars makes me dream.”
Who here is NOT in the gaming niche?