When to move between tiers?
Powering drilling rigs
LuV+ Base
is it worth it to get muilblock miners?
How to bees?
Beginning of LuV base vs beginning of UEV base
Alright, FINE, I guess I'll go to Ceres instead of trying to make GDC (SOFC MkII) using monazite (IV)...
How can I get this to work?
It makes me sad
Ore Washing Plant not filling
I just finished building this crazy Gregtech factory in All The Mods 9. How does it compare to the endgame GTNH factories you’ve seen?
My Gregtech Factory is Nearing Completion. Let me know how long you think it will take to craft 20 gregstars with this beast, I'll make sure to time it once I start!
GTNH has ruined me playing other mod packs
Iron tank no workie
Drone launch bay
Is GTNH worth it?
I always come back to GTNH
Prepping for a push to IV and Mars
[Addon] GTNH Rates
Getting stuck on Early EV
How to make this work?
Start of IV base vs end of IV base
If I like Satisfactory, what tech modpack would I like?
Looking for a Modpack with 300+ mods and a huge amount of quests to do
Not hip enough to breed bees. need advice.
What are these three inventory-like spots and how to get out of them?