Remember when bones and surrenderdorothy collabed?
Guess my age
Guess my Favorite Artist by my Top 10 Songs
What bones song makes you wanna do this?
Do It
Hopping on the train. Best music taste in my family?
Who are the randomest adjacent artists in your Top 50 (lifetime)?
Least favorite bones song?
I like bones
Hot take time
Which Denzel song is this?
What is the best Denzel Curry song in your opinion
Yall ever look at your own taste in music and think “damn I have really good taste in music”
instrumental request
denzel aint underated
how are my weekly stats looking
Worst death grips song?
Guess my age, sexuality and gender ¡
how does my top 15 look?
Demo 10/10
My most listened to
Judge my music taste.
What are your hot/controversial takes regarding Denzel Curry?