Be honest, is your crush really a 10?
Never Had a Girlfriend & Don’t Want to Mess This Up
I did it!
Another year another solo birthday date hehe..
What to do when the girl you’re madly in love with likes someone else?
How did you know if a girl was truly ‘the one’ for you, or if you were just idealizing her in the moment?
My first car with my own money 24M
How do you handle it when a woman only reaches out when she needs something but shows no real interest in you?
Liked Her for Years, but Was I Ever Even in the Picture?
What do you usually talk about with your crush?
What’s the wildest thing you’ve ever done because of a crush?
Women, what’s something a guy did that suddenly made him way more attractive to you?
Guys it's over......
What’s the best way for a guy to show sincerity and make a good impression on a girl without seeming like he’s trying too hard?
Shy Guy Here: How Do I (21 M)Start a Conversation With a Girl I Like Without Making It Weird?