Review: We Who Wrestle With God
såras vs sårad
What did he say?
Theories of the nature of mind - current status
"att" sounds like "d"
Derrida: discours vs parole
[POEM] Mystery - Whitney Hanson🥀
[POEM] Today by Mary Oliver
Traversing the fantasy
[POEM] To the Woman Crying Uncontrollably in the Next Stall - Kim Addonizio
[poem] to the whore who took my poems by charles bukowski
[POEM] Speaking of Loss, by Lucille Clifton
[POEM] The Body is the Gift of Spirit: To Jan by Tim Lilburn
[poem] As long as there is love, there will be grief. (Heidi Priebe)
[POEM] Planted My Shame in the Backyard by Melissa Studdard
[POEM] Joseph Mitchell - Romanticist and Realist (1928)
[POEM] - ‘The Mirror’ by Louise Glück
Persuasion a meadow once
Rain comes down