Big cyclops go brrrrrr
I wish the bullets of guns shot with malicious intent would bounce back at the shooter.
Entitled Parker
What are some of the best Pixar character quotes?
Feeling Stuck and Losing Hope with Streaming on Kick
Where do you park for the night or longer for free?
I may have left a stalker with a metal scrap unattended. Maybe even forgot about them...
Just got fired after working a month when my background check and back
Three times a day forever, you get the exact food you're craving for with the exact nutritional profile your body needs to stay fit.
Welp I may be fucked
don’t you just love when this happens?
If you've finished Subnautica and Below Zero...
We can favourite emotes & they appear top of list When playing
Both games on sale for $10. Possible subnautica 2 leadup sale?
What's a movie that's okay to bad in the first half but becomes good to great in the second half?
Am I bad or is the Cyclops trash?
Free 9 ball cue - expires in around a day
"Instant Deployable Base" strategy I figured out myself and thought I would share
Never thought I'd be threatened by claiming a gym (same team btw)
How to use Zero Point effectively?
Trapped myself
If you press the button it will kill the person you hate.