The Current State Of: _____ | A Monthly playlist exploring new releases in a new genre each month!
England men name team to face Italy
Hot take: I like the new Shrek design
What is he holding?
All the bad words I've said on reddit. At least there are no slurs.
In A Scanner Darkly (2006) the discovery of substance D growing was subtle foreshadowing for the production of the drug in the world of Pokémon go. What did Philip K Dick mean by this?
Finally, after all this time, I can rest
Which radio hosts do you want to see return to GTA6? Or who else should be given a station?
GTAV Radio Hosts and their real life professions
In A Scanner Darkly (2006) Robert Downey Jr flawlessly portrays a redditor despite the platform only being founded a year prior to the film's release.
A book about us
Friendship Exp & Gift Exchange Megathread
What's your favorite one?
Does the combination of these flags signal a certain political leaning? Also, what's with the Lord Nelson Flag, I found no information online?
What is this flower?
Is a wall of dead pothos <3
How is a van with animated LED screens on all sides road legal? Is this not insanely distracting for other drivers?
Yeah just park there I reckon. On the pavement in front of a bus stop, seems alright to me.
The answer is yes (unless you’re the BBC)
BBC Devon commentary on mobile?
How many Hundo duplicates do you have?
Show me your punny nicknames