Would you throw bricks at Boykisser for 147 Swiss Francs?
I'm getting circumcised next week, which Radiohead song should I listen to during the procedure?
Thoughts on the n word
Give me a Radiohead song, and I’ll rate it from 1-10
Yall think Pop is Dead is really that bad to be completely erased?
OH NO POP IS DEAD LONG LIVE POP 🗣️ *gets silenced by Thom*
Dont tell Tommy
What song is playing?
what is the best DC shoe to buy for someone who has never bought DCs
One word (idk if this was posted before sorry
One word
why does in world race the cars do a wheelie while doing the nitrox but doesn’t on acceleracers?
What the FUCK do I name him🥰
Why is this the best song ever?
What is THE Nirvana song thats makes you feel alive
What's in the box ? (Wrong answers only)
why is the teku flame blue?
I love it
question. Why in the Dammit video there’s a intro for the drums but in the Spotify version there’s not?
What did freddy see?
Cone is aging like wine omfg
What’s your favourite Sum 41 album?
Dear teens of r/TeenagersButBetter, what is your dream car?
Hey skate besties, how do I clean these things right?
Characters in Gacha Life 2, with codes!
Tell me your favourite game