Does any other 90s kid remember being constantly told growing up that the Earth is overpopulated and that resources would run out soon because we have too many kids
The labor movement is so taken over by the right than even left-wing militant violence is done by right-wingers
The backpedaling on the woke stuff is delicious to see
Why do you think the libs (and the Left) are failing so hard at online propaganda?
Why do the libs fail so hard at online propaganda?
Can the libs realistically do anything to gain the young male vote?
How common is the skill to turn your empathy on and off?
Okay, Trump won. What do we think is gonna happen?
Can adoption or even stepparenting really create the same bond as having biological children?
Is anyone able to turn their empathy on and off?
Potentially unpopular opinion: I don't see any way that young men can be courted to vote Left
People have sympathy for the mentally ill. Why no sympathy for people with NPD?
I know that we're trying to debunk the myth that autism is associated with lack of empathy but...
I don't really care about women in Afghanistan and I don't believe it's the job of the West to save them
Am I a bad person if I don't care about women in Afghanistan and don't believe it's the West's job to save them?
Had anyone noticed that Twitter/X is an insane place now?
Backlash against childfree people
I am tired of people acting like level 1/low support needs autism just means you're a little quirky
I’ve never met anyone who doesn’t shower daily but apparently that’s not common
do you think they’ll keep *that vivi and luffy scene in season 2?
The Problem with the ''I Dated Straight Men So You Don't Have To'' Post is that She was far more attractive than the Men Were.
why don’t more people care about climate change?
why is left-wing terrorism dead (at least in the west)?
The loneliness epidemic isn't only about men, women are not okay either
I wonder if a lot of Incels need to literally grow up