Why is recruitment never suspected when a shielded Traitor survives overnight?
Mel Medarda as a support??
When to play shen support?
Are there any times when Traitors try and recruit a Faithful and the faithful rejects the invitation?
Noob question: Will my rank and MMR completely reset when Season 15 ranked starts?
was plat always top 10% of the player base? in last season emerald was top 15%?
What jungle path is best for J4?
any educational or just high elo jarvan streamers/youtubers to watch that you recommend ?
Who counters poke mages
Does Riot Vanguard allow League Director?
Does League Director work with Vanguard?
[NA] LF non-toxic mid or top Gold-Emerald player for 5 person Flex Queue.
would like to push for diamond this season. possible?
What is your controversial keybinds/settings.
Update to the Anime Rock Paper Scissors workflow?
How many seconds do Lucidity Boots cut off ult cd?
LF fun and non-toxic Gold-Emerald players for Flex Queue NA
What can I play or do against the current dash heavy meta picks?
73% winrate chall with fimbulwinter sona
Why is Teemo the 2nd highest winrate support at 52.21%?
Liandry x Rylai First Item
14.21 brand nerfs are we cooked
Best educational YouTuber/Streamer for Brand Support?
Why is Leona still rushing Warmogs after the nerf?
Who is your go-to support when you have to first pick?