Sat Test difficult?
MTIs yelling at you in tech school
Tech School Privileges
SecFo w Depression
Got my watch for BMT
What’s your personal best?
Am I going to get turned down at MEPS?
When do you get your first duty station?
SF or EOD? Also 4 or 6?
Stupid question but should i remember all this before bmt
What made you choose the Air Force over the other branches?
is this a conservative enough top for MEPS?
Just graduated BMT! Ask away
I go to basic training tomorrow and I am TERRIFIED.
Jitters about BMT
Just graduated BMT November 1st ask me questions!
I got my ship date and I don’t feel prepared
Switching AFSC in Student Flight
Hell divers two made me enlist.
ASVAB tomorrow morning
Job list
Question on RAWS
I’m 17 and just got hired onto a security company but I think I’m illegally employed
Army recruiter sent in complex pre screen to meps so I couldn’t back out
Worried about my height and weight