Data Annotation
احكي تجربتك في الجيش
Our Future Vs Ai
اقل من 21 سنة. اقدر افتح حساب بنكي في اي بنك ولا لازم حساب شباب؟
Did anyone get a project after Mocha!
Valve should really think of remodeling the old Acranas
Paypal to CIB USD account
You are eligible to be matched with a new project
Laurelin Sun & Moon
مش هدخل الجيش
Getting new proj in Jan 2025?
موقع dataannotataion
Somebody took a dump in the fake toilet on our film set
Dashboard changed
Is There Something Very Wrong At Outlier?
Wtf is happening with Outlier
Is software development still a viable long-term career in the age of AI?
شغل اون لاين
How much do I need to pay as estimated tax?
I’ve never seen Full Metal Alchemist. Anything I need to know before starting?
Anyone still here ?
Rating 😍
Math projects
Nothing after welcome and approved first project