Cat won’t let me sleep
Please share pics of your undercooked chickens loafing!
Rehoming Cat
[FO] Who's that Pokemon?
As requested, my 14 year old disaster cat Picassa
Meet 19 year old Sasha
[no spoilers] I Might Be Overreacting But Mel Might Be The Most Beautiful/Best Designed Character Ever IMO
Giveaway Time! It's been too long since I've done this: Pick a number 1-5000.
What’s the best dinosaur game you’ve ever played?
Do you guys have funny names for stuff in the game?
Currently on 215 and a hairless cat(?) fell out of a car. Trying to find owner. Oct 12 @ 1:05.
You just won the Powerball lottery. What game, released before 2012, are you immediately funding the remake for?
What video game was left on a cliffhanger or was supposed to have a sequel but never got one, that you want to see finished?
Comeback for mean people judging your sphinx cat
[CHAT] Anyone else tried to figure out a smooth greyscale range with DMC?
What would you want in a The Long Dark 2?
[Giveaway] 2x Drop + The Lord of the Rings Rohan Keyboard & Artisans Bundles
[WIP] how far along is everyone else on this stitch along?
$100 Steam Gift Card Giveaway
Where did you find The Long Dark?
[CHAT] What would you tell yourself as a newbie stitcher?
[SHOP] Happy disability pride, y'all <3
[CHAT] Has anyone ever tried one of those Daily Temperature Gradient things in cross stitch?
Is it better than Path of Titans?
Gloves while harvesting