Excuse me but WTF?
Comment your favourite food but replace the 1st, 3rd and 5th letter with H
tell me your hobby
This is the reason I became a drummer. 😂
AP Music Theory students, how is it?
Tell me your least favorite food and see if you’re allowed in
Would you press this button?
Idk the exact stats, but feminazis always want to find a way to demonize every man, and they get offended when people make fun of their movement lol.
My friend sent this to me and I can't figure out what he means
TV Shows | Target Audience vs. Actual Audience
uh oh! what did you say to make me so annoyed?
Free speech for me, NOT for thee!
why is drug use and drinking as a teen so normalized??
murdered by community notes
Fuck teachers who the option on the right
What do you notice?
i hate it here
why just why
grade tier list by a senior (i put 7th grade where it rightfully belongs)
What is a song that you absolutely despise with your soul, but it seems that everybody else loves it?
Proof that all the money in the world can not buy good sense....
Which singer/band is this?
Which musician is this?
Wouldn't It Just Be Easier To Just Teach Them Counting?
Swiftie tries to get Kanye West's concert in China cancelled