Twisted Metal Vfan game -Control Update-
The EDA Assassination this week should be called "Welp, there goes my GPU".
How to punish dodging
Got Vaseraga to master after much grinding, a couple thoughts
New Hero: Lannie Cinematic & Gameplay Showcase
Has anyone beat astral 3 showdown boss? He seems too tanky
The Twisted Metal fan game is out today!
battlemap or immagination?
I understand why people buy these with plat, because my god, this took forever.
Current TierList
Log in to claim free March 7th skin
Which LC should I level to use with Feixiao? I can buy the one from Herta shop too
Steel Wind Strike, the notorious nerd technique
I did it!
How do you feel about Albrecht Entrati, post-1999 quests?
What are some speculations you have about new "effects" (maybe they can get gas/blast intrinsic damage?) regarding either the 3 new weapons or the ones getting the CODA variant?
Looking for TTS play testers for our deck-building dungeon crawler!
Uhh... Anybody else have this?
Meta builds are always going to matter less than your ability to simply... move
Input Delay in Training Mode
How the fuck are you all so strong?
Sweet Tooth and Dollface drawing unlike anything you've ever seen
Which abundance/preservation character
What is the worst line in Warframe?
Hey DE this is way too much damage attenuation