Very new.
When to buy your second guitar?
Song help
how to arpeggiate chords
Is Digital Good Enough to End the Comparison?
What would blow your mind seeing a local band do live?
Improv help
Should i know all shapes?
I’m a GCSE maths and science tutor AMA
What’s a good song to learn how to solo under different chord changes?
Playing partial barre chords?
My attempt at Neon by John mayer… can someone tell me why it doesn’t sound quite right?
1 month of electric guitar after transitioning from about a year of acoustic. Looking for suggestions and feedback :)
Help with pull offs
Best YouTubers for kids guitar lessons?
The most beginner of beginners-- where to start?
What to learn first as a beginner ?
I don’t know what to use to learn
Guitar for a dummie, me + ELI5 How do you, guitarists, perceive music theory?
Hey, I want to start learning this instrument
Are barre chords easier with nylon strings?
Recommendations please
Is there some road map for learning guitar?
Is there a minimum I should know before commiting to in-person lessons?
strumming to picking?