If God is omnipotent and omnibenevolent, then what about the Lisbon earthquake of 1755?
What tv-series intro will you never ever skip?
What are the most accurate Vietnam War films, the don't romanticise and/or justify the conflict?
Would you say that WW1 or WW2 had more of an effect on our modern world?
In real life, who is the person that society treats as a villain but is actually a hero?
What was the craziest thing that happened to you while playing D&D?
What is the dumbest thing that makes you laugh?
Which african mythology should I focus on??
To win 3 billion dollars, you have to survive 24 hours getting chased by a horror villain of your choice. Who are you picking?
What deceased celebrity/famous person in history would have the most wild social media presence today?
What country has the coolest culture in the world?
what's a movie you have watched more than 5 times?
What conspiracy theory are you open to believing?
Name a movie, show, or videogame, and I'll hypertranslate it 100 times
What immediately comes to mind when someone says "Australia"?
What is the dumbest thing someone made you believe to be true that you later found out it isn't?
Let's play a game, shall we?
Who's the most evil person that ever lived?
Men of reddit, what are some examples of unwritten guy code?
How did you get your worst scar?
What do you think will cause WW3?
Could you buy a Royal Navy ship in the 17th century?
Be honest, why are you single?
Cambodian Missions during Vietnam
What’s the first movie that comes to mind when you see this logo?