How Many Unread Books Are On Your Kindle?
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How to clean a kindle paperwhite screen?
Struggling between buying physical books or in the kindle. Want to get back into reading badly but…
Finally managed to start the game,and man so many good stuff right from the start
help me decide which kindle to get!!
My Kindle Paperwhite is messing up
Should i buy it?
You guys have any in game phone wallpapers you'd care to share?
What stops me from finishing the game a second time
Look what I've found!
How long did it take you to venture into the castle?
City of Evil is actually a great album!
If your central heating is on, what temp do you set it to?
Fantasy name for a female cat
Anyone else relieved this season finished?
I saw someone else show their top 25 so I have to share mine now
What was you're first ever job and how are you doing now in life career wise?
Killed my first Lynel
What other artists y’all listen to?
How many books do you read at one time?
Monthly Question and Answer Thread: September 01, 2024
Books with spider like creatures
Is there a song for you that works for no matter what mood you're in?