First Time Watching: Season 3
First Time Watching: Season 2
Just watched Season One for the first time
Which Big Finish Whoniverse spinoff would you like to see get made some day?
Are the 1/2/3DAs worth checking out?
Why is Steven Moffat so self-referential in his return?
Anyone else going to stuff of legends on saturday?
It seems Adum has been solidified as an antagonist to the movie criticism dark web, nice :) 👍
She's still at it 😭😂
Megathread: New website and apps issues
Just a gentle reminder, read the book (or get the audiobook) not working?
RIP William Russell
RIP to the great William Russell
Caroline will no longer be a full time member of Best Friends Today
Why are people mad at this?
My Books have a New Guardian
I got Discworld Socks
I finished Eric! Here’s my thoughts
Just read Guards Guards for the first time
Finished Reading Pyramids
The Luggage (3D Print)
(Finally) Finished Wyrd Sister
Big Finish is down
Is r/DoctorWho under Disney's control???