My boyfriend and I just moved in together, and I’m starting to resent him. what should I do?
What Does Depression Feel Like To You??
I got beaten up
What is it like being a Liberal in a very Conservative place, or a being a Conservative in a very Liberal place?
Bracelet update!
What are you Stressed out about Right now?
I clearly have too much time on my hands to make my perfect “Satanized” t-shirt for the Boston ritual. (details below)
My son Owen drew this. He is 10, and I wanted to share because I think it’s so great!
Hadn't listened to Ghost much until Satanized came out. This was me.
What will the phone pouches look like?
First Time Posting my own art
It's kind of majestic, ya know
Can you not remember childhood sexual assault?
how to fix my bleach damaged hair (budget friendly plz)
Look at this ugly ahh dog i found... thing looks restarted
I'm so traumatized pls help ASAP
I did my waiting! 11 years of it! As a girlfriend!
Tips for going alone?
how can i make my makeup suit my features better? i feel like i look better without it
what my drawing taste like?
Help me to pick 🥹
Papa V confusion.
My (24 f) boyfriend (28 m) spit on me
AIO for being angry about this? (Religion and marriage)
AIO about my boyfriend hitting me