I need help flying machine!
Why only 2 weeks?
Neon colors help
Needed advice
First minimal wallet which I made
Whispers of gold falling, copper rising. What are you getting paid?
little update of my gold plated / cpu pins and fingers. quess the worth
Kui palju see glögi siis Tallinna jõuluturul ka maksab?
Needed some advice
i need have some advice
well, this happen
Mis toimub meie riigis no??
I would like to find out if there would be interest in such phone covers? I am doing research to further expand.
Kersti Kaljulaid: "Donald Trumpi administratsioonil oli Ida-Euroopa riikidega tihedam kontakt, kui ametistlahkuval Joe Bideni administratsioonil"
Osa automaksust peab minema ühistranspordi arendamiseks. See ei ole normaalne...
Any worth collecting these things?
qoestion about tapes
Selling platvorms
Share your work table setup
Little update gold pins
Uuringu jaoks
What are y’all getting for #1 copper right now?
Question for micro scrappers!
I collect them out of boredom, what could be the value of gold pins?