Great Wall can't handle cliffs, despite the official artwork
I ask, what is your favourite song in the show?
Who else felt when Jimmy begged Kim
Ariana should have won an Oscar for best supporting actress
Scouts Appreciation
Confession 😒
It’s pronounced Basaiyo?
Damn, I miss dams
[OC] New Age, New Civilization
The marketing for Severance is crazy
Managed to get a perfect lore-accurate Panama Canal on a non-World map
Understanding Chu almost removing "The Wizard will see you now!"
Why TF did Devon think calling Cobel was a good idea?
Why is no one talking about reghabi telling Devon.....
Do you not understand the premise of the show?
Man gets with a woman while pretending to be another man, then kisses her during a grand romantic gesture
New victory type unlocked: Surströmming victory
Gemma's last name on her office door.
Topography is Actually, Really, a Thing
Hot Take: Civ VII's Culture Switching is More Historical Than Previous Entries
Why don't we ever see _____'s _______?
The Problem with Early Modern Era is there's nothing to do
Optics and Design, create the props for the rooms.
thoughts on the "shipping wars" (s2e7)
Reminder: not EVERYTHING is "foreshadowing" or a clue, or even relevant to the plot. This sub is so obsessed with clues, that it's forgetting story and character development for it. A discussion of what is a clue, and what is not.