How to make skinny jeans not look dated?
Lipedema and eating disorders
Movidastrap platform care/breaking in?
Customer service
HELP I'm about to order my first new rocks can yall help me with the sizes
ULPT request: How to stop feeling hungry all the time
Hi mould friends! I’m just wondering if anyone knows how to get stains out.
How old are you? And why are you on Reddit?
I’m based in the U.K.!!! 090186061197
A yes, as we all know, trimming the bush is the most relaxing activity of all
Creep gets laid and describes his plan for "inclining her for sex"
How to get oil-based ink out of clothes?
Why do so many people cut out dairy?
AIO or did I hold myself accountable in these messages?
What Size?
AIO because I asked to split the bill at an expensive restaurant that SHE picked?
The question nobody seems to have an answer for
wonder how you inked out ladies are gonna react to this one
Question - Shower/bath drip issue
This bug was on my plant, see text for more detail
Am i (20F) being too understanding or did my bf (21M) cheat on me? trigger warning (SA⚠️) LONG (sorry for misspelling i’m currently bawling my eyes out.)
I (31M) found out that my girlfriend (27F) of a year and a half sleeps with guys for money
What a nob, why do people do this?
Can I drive to uni?
43f. Parents pay mortgage. They’re toxic.