AITA for not accepting my boss's apology after she yelled at me in front of custumers?
Anyone got any good videos for study and understanding?
High school Chemistry Course
A yes, as we all know, trimming the bush is the most relaxing activity of all
My mom is in distress because of me going no contact
Why do I struggle to believe I'm a better person than my parents?
Possessing time passed is so unsettling
I think I just screwed myself over...
Apparently I've been dyeing my blood
WIBTA for refusing to lock my cat in my room for long periods of time, even though my flatmates friends are allergic?
AITAH for telling my roommate I will move out if she gets a dog or has a child?
Can you tell if someone else has adhd?
What's your most embarrassing ADHD clumsiness moment?
How do you feel about being medicated from a young age?