Things us Can Dream/Suppose About Blue lock Season 3
You see her approaching, what do you do?
Gokuraku is gonna be Toji
And so it begins
Vínculo maestro y aprendiz
Is sae narratively above the rest of blue lock?
I tried colouring this page :0
Would you punch him for $1,000,000?
Give me an anime that will make me feel like this. (I've already seen AOT and Berserk)
3 brides
you get to choose a superpower but the reply will be you weakness
Wezaemon skill
AIO? Husband tried to choke me but didn't do it "as forcefully as he could have" so it doesn't count?
Chapter 211 is out
We were out together and found this cat. What do we name it?
Rate my setup y’all
If you could erase an anime from your memory to experience it again, which one would it be? (I'll definitely watch yours!)