10 of my fav ships. (Not a ranking)
Who said this?!!
He did nothing wrong. They were just clones.
How would your personal fleet look like? Here's mine.
What are your top 10 villains? Here are mine:
Which Disney animated show do y’all prefer/think was better?
War Criminal or War Hero?
The Rise of Skywalker in my opinion is worse than The Last Jedi
What is this argument?
Do these people even watch star wars
Which astromech was more lethal? R2-D2 or Chopper?
Revenge of the sixth full movie not extended
LEGO Mace Windu Collection
Separatists were the good guys at start
Anakin approves
TCW P2 Pilot or ROTS P2 Pilot?
If you were a Grand Admiral tasked with hunting down Rebels, post-Yavin, which flagship and fleet composition would you use for your task force?
Might as well join in on the fun - Here's my top 10
favorite bad batch poster?
Imagine if these two have met
My top 10
Shep appreciation
Love the TIE Baron.
Which Super-TIE would you choose?
Scenes that almost made me cry
The best team.