Possibly hot take here
Being a 30 year old gay guy is hitting me hard
I think im gay
Built a storage bed with thrifted shelves
Brought this kitty in from the cold, need girl/neutral names!
Finally tackled the bathroom and shower 😮💨
AIO, my (20M) female friend thought I was gay?
AIO not responding to my bf after he ghosted me?
After sleeping with how many guys did you quit your hookup phase?
Give me your last saved cat picture :)
If you're living with parents, do you have a sex/dating life?
I’ll never understand these bisexuals
My boyfriend is angry after meeting my dad.
Do any of you experience sexual harassment from straight women?
Guy thought I was hot then blocked me when he found out I'm black
i painted tofu
Am I Overreacting by Leaving My Husband After Years of Abuse?
Who was your first celebrity crush?
Well this dude just walked right up to the front porch! Help with a name! He’s affectionate and LOUD!
What do I name this?
A whole disease has gone missing. HOW?
My brother came out to me
On an average he is a 7, but he is a 10 because…
Bruh! This straight guy make me wanna treat him like a king
Is it inappropriate to feed my bf french fries in public?