My luck has never been so good lately
Purify for hundo?
I need suggestions to regain my f-1status back
AIO for snapping at my ex who’s cheated on me with 4 other men
First raid
Shiny Christmas Rayquaza Event Giveaway.
Anyone worked here before and can tell me about the company?
I just wanna show off my bro. Caught him like this.
F1 rejection, please help.
AIO about our movie date being cancelled?
My first palkia ever has the legacy move! I’m PSYCHED
AIO: I went on one date with this guy and don’t think I want to go on another
Shiny odds?
Caught a floor then hundo back to back
Shiny Event Tapus Giveaway! (Cloned)
Devastated at this fleeing, no MB
Is this worth investing in
Worth maxing out?
Is he relevant in pvp
Is this rare
Second hundo to run from me.
Should I invest in this guy
Did anyone get shortlisted for the JPA World Bank?
JPA req28435