First time anxiety.
Tried taking Maca, it gave me the worst anxiety I’ve ever had.
Dry eye symptoms much better!
Were you normal before this horrible f**king disease?
18 month progression?
What to do about gas/flatulence once you already have it? (Not looking for prevention strategies.)
Something happened today that terrified me
[product question] Acne supplements??
Best sunscreen for cystic acne?
What are y’all’s remedies for trapped gas?
Does therapy
More frequent loose stools - advice!!
Breathing exercises make my anxiety worse. Now what?
Any tips to get a bowel movement fast? (Coffee doesn't work for me and lactulose gives me too much flatulance)
So sick of the gas
Help i cannot enjoy porn
HealthPath - Sibo Breath Test (UK)
I just wanna go to the gym
Has exercise helped your IBS symptoms?
Low fodmap diet
Every goddamn time
i’m really struggling
IBS and fissures?
IBS anxiety
I need to start birth control today to try to get my ridiculous periods and hormones under control, and I have a fear of medicine / serious side-effects / medicine interactions. I could use some kind words :c