100 days later update
Double monitor plz
Half the posts here
live in your world play in ours
My 1.5 bedroom apartment (55square meters)
Little walk around after work today .
Lakeside Business Offices
Dorm Closet turned home
Everything a man needs.
P.O.V It’s 1993 and you upgraded your home setup. What’s the first thing you do?
My spot in an office building hallway during a winter in Chicago. Used a grocery bag stuff with clothing as a pillow and eventually dragged a placemat over.
New digs, opinions?
A room
Moving into my new surviving place tonight!
Temporary digs
In October, I drove to a new province, picked a town, and stubbornly lived in my vehicle until I found a job and a room. It was hard, but not compared to the rest of 2024.
Coming together nicely, first time living In a basement🙂
Most efficient/best way to power a 4060 gaming laptop (~115w max draw) in a 2nd/3rd gen Prius?
Moved to a house with zero rent in November. This is the old place of about a year.
Seperated. Just moved back in to my house alone. Still improving. House was wrecked in a hurricane.
Found on twitter
No pics but an old story
Are these stars on my car feminine?
Skybridge Sleep
30m First Apartment
Started the search for a new place last week. He we are.