I need help desperately
I think I might be starting an IF Army!
Imperial Fists successor chapter review (please help)
Raptor Marine
In the grim darkness of the far future there are no stupid questions!
Have there ever been any humans or astartes who worship the God-Emperor, but don't support the Imperium and how it works?
Least xenophobic space marine or chapter? [Research for a homebrew character]
Casual Shovel's Smile
Are there any books about or take place on a Feudal World?
Son of Magnus
Dreadnought Venerable rescued from trash!
What’s everyone’s top three favorite Epic songs?
steelneck95’s rendition of a horror themed Godzilla design
Which Epic song is it for you?
Which Conan song is it for you?
Books for a Space Marine fan who's considering Eldar?
Calling for an exterminatus for the traitors down below. Those the are the correct traitors, right?
tell me your favorite anime :/
Tell me your favourite ever monster...
Tell me what video game you play all the time, whether it's in a series, a standalone title, or whatever...
My first battle brother. Criticism wanted.
Tails. By Noru0217
How do I properly use an airbrush?
Homebrew Sergeant
Did older editions have more named character models? If yes why and why haven't a lot of them gotten new models?
What role does a company champion play?